I have a wife, 2 young children, and a bad sex life at home. You’re probably in the same boat. Other than the sex, my wife is a cool chick and I have a lot of fun hanging out with her. I have no intention of jeopardizing my marriage. But I will be honest, there have been times where I’ve thought about leaving her only because the sex just isn’t any good.

Instead of leaving my wife, I decided to go out and have an affair. Had I left my wife for another woman, here are the problems I would have run into…

Potentially harming my children’s growth (studies suggest kids that grow up in a 1-parent home are more likely to become violent and angry)
Divorce proceedings are expensive (I’m not rich, so money was definitely a factor)
I’m likely to end up losing custody of the kids, which I don’t want to happen (let’s face it – women are given preference by a judge)
My wife is fun to be around, outside the bedroom, and it’s possible I will never meet someone that has as much in common as her

So, as you can tell, going through a divorce was probably not the best idea for me. But there was no way I was going to get by without having the sex life I always wanted. So I was in a bad spot. Trust me, I didn’t want to cheat on my wife. I do love her, but we have sex maybe once a week and it’s boring sex. A man needs his booty

Perhaps you find yourself in a similar situation right now. The problems associated with getting a divorce may cause great harm to you. You could end up losing out on a lot if you leave your wife. So what should you do?

Having the sex life

Don’t sit around wishing you were getting laid. Actually go out and get laid. It’s simple. Just read through the affair dating guide on our site and you’ll learn the following…

How to meet women and which affair dating sites are the best
How to turn an offline date into a hookup

Affair dating sites are the best
Affair dating sites are the best

Life is short. Before you know it, life will pass you by. You want good sex and you deserve good sex. Take my advice – have an affair while keeping your marriage in tact. What she doesn’t know can’t hurt her, right? So don’t waste anymore time. Quit jerking off to porn. Sign-up for one of the affair dating sites we recommend and have the sex life you’ve always dreamed of.